Hawthorne Heights Concerti Scaletta

Preparati per il prossimo concerto di Hawthorne Heights

Statistiche Live

Canzoni famose

Top 10 delle canzoni di Hawthorne Heights più suonate nei suoi ultimi 40 concerti.

Profilo Setlist

Le canzoni che verranno suonate live sono state pubblicate nei seguenti album:

Prossima Setlist

Quanto dura il concerto?

Quanto dura il concerto? Hawthorne Heights sarà sul palco per circa 1:02. Ecco la probabile setlist basata sui concerti precedenti (71% probabilità):

Titolo canzone
  1. The Silence In Black And White - Re-issue cover Life on Standby
  2. The Silence In Black And White - Re-issue cover Dissolve and Decay
  3. The Silence In Black And White - Re-issue cover Niki FM
  4. The Silence In Black And White - Re-issue cover The Transition
  5. The Silence In Black And White - Re-issue cover Blue Burns Orange
  6. The Silence In Black And White - Re-issue cover Silver Bullet
  7. The Silence In Black And White (re-issue) cover Screenwriting an Apology
  8. The Silence In Black And White - Re-issue cover Wake Up Call
  9. The Silence In Black And White - Re-issue cover Speeding Up the Octaves
  10. If Only You Were Lonely cover Saying Sorry
  11. The Silence In Black And White - Re-issue cover Ohio Is for Lovers

Hawthorne Heights Mappa Tour 2025

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