Montgomery Concerti Scaletta

Preparati per il prossimo concerto di Montgomery

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Ma... Ecco le top 10 canzoni di Montgomery che probabilmente saranno eseguite live!

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  1. Peaks
  2. Belong
  3. Two One, Four
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  1. Eli Eli - Maduk Remix
  2. Eli Eli
  3. Battlefields
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  1. Power of flower
  2. Power of flower
  3. Dance or die
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Miss Flower

  1. The Wind Loves The Rain
  2. Slow Sad Blues
  3. That Look In Your Eyes
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Rattlesnake Choir

  1. Gnaoui Solo Song
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Si Mohammed Bel Hassan Soudani

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  1. Neural Waves
  2. Astral Voyage
  3. Synthetic Serenity
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  2. Cherry-coloured Funk
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Cocteau Twins

  1. Del Mundo Leguas Y Leguas
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La Niña de los Peines

  1. The Wind Loves The Rain
  2. Slow Sad Blues
  3. That Look In Your Eyes
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Rattlesnake Choir

  1. Neural Waves
  2. Astral Voyage
  3. Synthetic Serenity
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  1. The Wind Loves The Rain
  2. Slow Sad Blues
  3. That Look In Your Eyes
Rattlesnake Choir Photo

Rattlesnake Choir

  1. Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147: Chorale: Jesus bleibet meine Freude (Chorus)
  2. Mass in B Minor, BWV 232: Dona nobis pacem (Chorus)
  3. Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben (Chorus)
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